The following materials were created to develop and assess recognition skills of common objects and images used in familiar environments. 


Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy Complexity Sequence Cards.

Matt Tiejen What’s the Complexity 2D Image Assessment.

Ellen Mazel and Marguerite Tibaudo Recognition and Compensatory Strategies.



Concept Development

•   Identification and labeling: What is this image? What do you see?

•   Recognition:  Where is the _____? Find the ____. Show me the  ____. Point to the ____. 

•   Realistic Color Images, Parts of Realistic Color Images, Abstract Color images, Parts of Abstract Color images, Realistic Black and White images.

•   Parts of Realistic Black and White images, Abstract Black and White images, Parts of Abstract Black and White images.

·       Compensatory Strategies: What other strategies is the child using to recognize objects and images?

o   Sensory integration: tactile awareness, movement, sound cues, olfactory.

o   Color recognition: color pop-out, color coding, color highlighting.

o   Global form and size cues.

o   Predictability: memory of routines, prior knowledge, and context cues.

•   Complexity:

•   Images: salient features, preferred colors, multiple colors, orientations, partial images

•   Array:  Adjust to your child’s tolerance level.  1 image, 2 images, 3 images, 4 images, 8 images, 10 images

•   Complexity of a scene- How much clutter and crowding can your child tolerate?

•   Matching: How many ____ are there? Show me one like this.

•   Match Object to Image

•   Match Image to Image

•   Match Image to Partial Image

•   Memory Matching Game with Images.

•   Sorting:  Same & Different”

•   Find all the ______. 

•   Which one is different?

•   How are they the same?

•   How are they different?

•   Patterns-use objects or images to form simple patterns. What comes next?