Student Report for the IEP
What's your Story?
“Your Story” is a personal narrative about yourself. Being able to tell your story is an important skill that will benefit you when you give your student report during your IEP, when you introduce yourself to new teachers, and when you start attending job interviews.
Your story should showcase you as the “most valuable player” on your IEP team by sharing your strengths, interests and needs! A good way to get your story started is to stage an informal interview with your parent, teacher for the visually impaired or friend. Use the conversation starters below and add your own creative elements!
About Me
Tell me a little bit about yourself…..
How would you describe your family? Who is in your family? What are the names of your family members? What types of jobs do they do for work or school?
Do you have pets? What kind and what are their names? Describe them to me. Do they have any silly or special behaviors?
Where do you live? Tell me a little about your home and your community.
Share a favorite memory or favorite place in the world.
Tell me about some of your positive personality traits...
Feelings (happy, enthusiastic, patient, calm, loving, kind, honest, optimistic, faithful)
Actions (hard-working, helpful, good listener, creative, organized, tidy, polite, lively, silly, talkative, generous)
What do you like most about yourself?
How would you describe a perfect day for yourself?
What is something that makes you happy, smile or laugh?
If you had any superpower, what would it be?
Tell me about the things you like to do....
What motivates you?
What do you do to relax?
Do you have any hobbies (singing, dancing, art, gaming, watching videos, using iPhone or iPad apps, reading, organized activities, music, sports, volunteer work, etc.)
Do you participate in these activities alone or with other people?
How do these activities make you feel?
What have these activities taught you about yourself?
What would you do if you made all the rules at home?
What do you like best about school?
Tell me about a great accomplishment...
When was a time that you challenged yourself?
When did you do something that surprised yourself or others?
Tell me about a time when you did something you were proud of at school, home or in the community.
Tell me about a time when you helped someone.
Tell me about a time when you worked with someone to accomplish a task.
Were others there to share in your success or was it something you accomplished on your own?
How did it make you feel?
What did you learn about yourself?
Dreams & Goals
Tell me about your dreams...
What do you wake up wanting to do each day.
What are you hoping to do soon?
What do you dream of being when you grow up?
What skills are you working on now that will help you pursue your dreams?
Is there something you've always wanted to try?
What is one thing you would like to learn how to do?
Is there someplace you dream about visiting?
Do you love doing something so much you dream about doing it forever?
Tell me a little bit about your visual impairment...
Describe your vision (simple definitions of eye conditions, behavioral characteristics and how it affects functional vision tasks)
What tools or adaptations do you need at home or school to do your work and to participate in activities? (braille, magnification, assistive technology, mobility device or white cane, communication style, tips & tricks that have worked in the past, compensatory skills-color cues, auditory, tactile, movement, predictable routines, etc.)
What environmental supports help you utilize your vision? (consider lighting, movement, color coding, visual clutter, sensory integration, verbal descriptions, etc.)
What can you do to include me socially? (say your name, tell me when you are leaving the conversation, give me time to respond, facial expressions and body language may be hard for me to see so use descriptive language, breaks for visual and brain fatigue,
What would you like others to know about you?
Turn your answers into a short paragraph or create a book (print or braille)
Create a PowerPoint Presentation-All About Me PowerPoint TEMPLATE
Include photos, drawings or videos
Create a video with you as the narrator. Ring Light! Smartphone! Action! Creating a Self-Advocacy Video - Published on Perkins Paths to Literacy site Sept. 2022
Practice your answers a couple of times with an adult and have someone video tape the two of you like an interview.
Creating a Parent Report for the IEP
Share your story with your IEP team at the beginning of your IEP as your Student Report.
Share your story with your classroom teachers at the beginning of the year.
Share your story with your classmates as Student of the Week or as an Autobiography.
Provide Positive Encouragement- Affirm your child’s efforts when they share their successes with you.
Help them expand upon their responses. “Tell me more about that.”
Summarize what your student is saying back to them as it helps them consider their emotions, values, and actions
Tell them about life lessons you’ve learned
Talk about how & when you got involved in your career